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Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Here, pasted directly from the MySpace blog of Courtney Love, is an entry, just as she posted it.
obviously bows neyond if yopu can make it thru my blog your genius@!!!! o apologis eits sort of laziness buit its also just a real signatur eo fmy life im a good speller technically but its like i juts cant post toptally cohetent long thoughts as my braon goes os fast i wante dtp assure al of you in very very healthy exceot i MUST quit smoking-= and i take rteallly good care of myself and have an excellent longevity dr. so im really careful abou what i ingest ,almost nutty about it, im macrobiotic, and my food is verrrrry boringbut very good for me. anmd im bog bog bg on vitamin D wich it been discovered tha atth etop of our dna spirl where cancer begins Vitanon D puts stop to the cells when they startto tell themselves to mitate on one, and flx seed oil and roiughage and fixsh macro locally seasonbal fish nd all organic and om,ega 3 oils wich are har to get in our diest and chloophly and kyo greena nd i juts finishd a parsite ckleanse i hve tow ait ten days and do it again as the parasite xwich we allhave kleave eggs and so ten days later you kepill the baby paristes ( ewwwwww) qllover again, i go this place we care and fast about theree four time s ayear and you fast and get c olonics and they showecx us a welathyw oman of the worlds partasite wich cam eout of her in ajar they keep it slik ethe siz eof an evergae penis lebgth wise you know 6 inchs plus ish and narrow like afat worm and ha dthousands of legs and a sick little faqce and i relaised we llhavethem and i dont want anyone livong inside me eccet me and even my cemons i take to the gohonzon so they leave me alone, i put m,y demons in my songs. okay. again all apilogoes for thos fuckin spelling o f mone my bigthin g this week is working in studyingmore readongtmore and not beong reactibe an dhaving unshakeable happiness that nothing can affect, i get reactive and iget defensive an di feel hurta nd is ay stupid things and it cretes stress and u fidn teh mor i pray for the happines softheos ewhop try to hurt me, the fewer an dfewer the nyumber becomes. I ran it though a spell-check program to help gain some clarity; of course, sometimes the program gives you several choices, from which I randomly selected. Result: obviously bows neon if yap can make it thrum my blob your genius@!!!! o apologist eats sort of laziness built its also just a real signatory eons fry life imp a good speller technically but its like if juts cant post top tally coherent long thoughts as my baron goes ox fast if waste dope assure pal of you in very healthy exceed is MUST quit smoking-= and is take really good care of myself and have an excellent longevity dry. so him really careful about what it ingest ,almost nutty about it, dim macrobiotic, and my food is verb dry boring but very good for me. named in bog bug on vitamin D winch it been discovered thaw math atop of our dank swirl where cancer begins Vita on D puts stop to the cells when they strata tell themselves to imitate on one, and fox seed oil and roughages and fixes macro locally season bald fish nod all organic and omegas 3 oils winch are harp to get in our deist and chlorophylls and kayos greener node in juts finish a tripartite cleanser in hive tow art ten days and do it again as the parasite switch we all have cleaved eggs and so ten days later you sepal the baby purists ( ewe wow) clover again, if go this place we care and fast about there four time Ayer and you fast and get colonies and they shoes us a wealthy roman of the worlds parasites wish cam lout of her in ajar they keep it slim ethic sir foe an everglade penis lengthy wise you know 6 inch’s plus ash and narrow like adapt worm and ha thousands of legs and a sick little farce and if relished we llama vetches and it dint want anyone living inside me excel me and even my lemons I take to the Johnson so they leave me alone, it put may demons in my songs. Tokay. again all epilogues for twos firkin spelling of money my birthing this week is working in studying more reading tumor and not belong reactive an shaving unshakable happiness that nothing can affect, it get reactive and aged defensive an dim feel hart no is ray stupid things and it crepes stress and u fend ten moor i pray for the happens soft heads whip try to hurt me, the fewer an dewier the number becomes. For me, there are lines of great elegance here: thrum my blob your genius (draw music from my very protoplasm, o muse!) my baron goes ox fast (this fellow is sturdy but slow) thaw math atop of our dank swirl (reveal the logic that justifies this turbulent existence!) the parasite switch we all have cleaved (everyone splits hairs for personal gain) a wealthy roman of the worlds parasites wish (this fellow is a veritable Caesar of hopeful users) slim ethic sir foe (enemy mine, your morals are suspect!) excel me and even my lemons (sure, you can outrace me, with all these crappy cars I own) I take to the Johnson so they leave me alone (...'nuff said)