11:36 PM
by sport
By the way...
I think it's possible to view the profoundly stooopid video for my song BIRD IN THE HOUSE right
Search for
Click on the link to the vid.
Sit through a fucking trailer for some piece o' shit movie or ad for some piece o' shit product.
Enjoy my piece o' shit video
Note the
BERRIE JIGGLER, named "Kwazy Boid"
Note the song's bridge, cleverly accompanied by location footage from
ROCK CITY's "swingalong bridge."
Note the appearance by
Peter Vega at the end, on loan from
10:35 PM
by sport
1. My Mantra / Me
2. Villains
3. Match Point of our Love
4. Do You Like Stamos
5. Old Masturbater/You are My Mealticket
6. Explain these Fuckin' Lyrics
7. Plunderful
8. Between Song Banter for Embarrassing Everyone
9. Cousin is Plaintiff of the Lawsuit
10. Kokomo '05
11. I've Gone Bald/I Wanna Writer Credit/Workstop
"The Elements" Suite:
12. Helium (from the Baloon)
13. Californium (from the Valley)
14. Chlorine (from the Swimming Pool)
15. Potassium (from the Bananas)
16. Cubic Zirconium (from the Home Shopping Network)
17. Gold (From the Royalties)
18. Match Point of Our Love (reprise)
19. Bad Relations