6:26 PM
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Copyright Warning:The following automobile brand names are reserved by Sport Murphy Motors, and may not be used without a squatter buyout tariff:Bravante, Procura, Accelerando, Gaius, Miazma, Eterno, Factotum, GuzlarX, Aggrolera, Iliad.
The following pharmaceutical trade names are likewise the sole property of Sport Murphy Health Solutions, and must be cleared financially with the copyright holder:Volitiaphen, Bicuriacin, Diapason, Phenoxoprotek, Phingoprin, Providabuz, Trisumovet, Barbidol, Vomidor, Attadog.
Additionally, the following countries are the interllectual property of Sport Murphy World Reordering Enterprises, and may not be printed on currency unless some of same is deposited with the despot in charge:Islamisbad, Tupopülis, Ollyenstan, Peengland, Phukaulia, United Democratic Peoples Republic of Grdzwlgn, Guanoguay, Poundasalaam, Blakkei, Sumodis and Sumodat
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