2:28 AM
by sport
Just an update, since I imagine that the absence of new entries may have worried a few folks, and my intention to actually get to email replies has not yet been realized.
The babies are doing well. They've gained back full birth weight (which is always quickly lost in the early post-wombal phaseoreeny) and then some. They're eating and breathing. Now when I say I am "eating and breathing," it's a literal description of all I actually DO anymore, but these things are huge steps for them. Now there are no more tubes on/in them and we have far more physical contact than hitherto. Now that the "Mexican Wrestlers In Space" phase is ended, we can fully assess their cuteness. Indeed! They are cute. Very cute. They are very cute babies. They'll be in the hospital a while yet; we are hoping they'll be coming home around Thanksgiving.
Shelley's recovery is going well, and after a 10-day spell of very expensive cab rides and a few lifts from obliging friends (of Shelley's), she is back behind the wheel. Today my Dad came home after his post-op stay at the nursing center. He is well. The arrival of Miles and Lily lit a bright light in him, and the stage is set for a nice holiday season. We hope.
For my own pleasure and relaxation I've discovered a great old-school barber shop (Alex's Smithtown on Rte. 111) where, just yesterday, I treated myself to a full shave/haircut/hot towel treatment. It felt wonderful... over a full hour of hot lather and well-stropped razor, shoulder and scalp massage, soothing unguents and bracing Clubman. These guys were real pros, and the only thing keeping it from the Ideal was a droning television set. Should have been Peter Nero tapes.
I'm still listening to a lot of Syd Barrett. He makes more sense to me than anyone else does. I am not writing any music, even though I'll have to eventually come up with some for the album I promised KRS. Of course, they were after me gung ho for a video, which we finally delivered, and I haven't heard a word about it ever since they got it, like, 2 months ago. Makes ya feel all... I dunno... SPECIAL.
Just as people's reaction to my work has always made me feel.
I want my babies home so I can begin my new career, already 100% more successful and gratifying than the last one.
I still have email replies to write. I swear I will.
But bless those of you who've written. It means a lot to me.