3:48 PM
by sport
The current issue of the British music mag UNCUT includes a review of UNCLE. I am told it's a positive write-up but I have not yet read it.
If one strikes "UNC" from the mag name and the album name, what's left is" UT" and "LE". If one then puts "I" in the center, as befits my solipsistic bent, the result is "UTILE", which my dictionary defines as a synonym for "USEFUL" ...which I hope this review proves to be.
Of course one could, by the same process, reverse them for "LE" and "UT" and maintain objectivity and alphabetical custom by putting "A" first. That would leave "ALEUT" - an Eskimo. In that case I may soon be blubbering.
All of which proves that self-centeredness and individualism beat objectivity and custom.
Unless you're into Ayn Rand, which mixes up the whole thing.
Buy UNCUT and buy UNCLE is all I'm saying.